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查看最新留学文章您的位置: 中英网UKER.net > 留学资讯 > 英国生活 > 在英学习 > 出国留学后 可以学到哪些不知道的英语表达?

出国留学后 可以学到哪些不知道的英语表达?

中英网  www.uker.net  2016-06-06  来源: 转载  编辑: lina


4、Administration Office

安时:Hi Katie, I'm wondering when and where the Amnesia Seminar is taking place?

Katie:Let me check (typing...) if you mean the one held by our Developmental Lab, it began half hour ago at the ground floor conference room in 7 George Square, and it will end at 11:30.

安时:Thanks a lot!


5、Library Help Desk

安时:Hi, I'm wondering when my library card expires, can you check it for me?

Staff:Sure, just one sec (typing...) Em, from what I see here, it will expire on someday in November,I cannot tell the exact day.

安时:I see, but it's already 26th, I'm curious by what time I will no longer have access to the office building, and the lab.

Staff:From previous experience, I suppose it might be after the graduation ceremony, but I can't be sure.

安时:Many thanks, that's very helpful.


6、Professor's office

Antonella:Hi, how are you?

安时:Very well, thanks! Your automatic reply indicates you were still in the states yesterday, being at the uni so early, it must be exhausted.

Antonella:(haha) Well, exhausted but happy. So, I just finished reading your draft, and I think compared to the first draft, you've made a great improvement. It's very clear what you want to do for your PhD. There are some insignificant problems in the writing, you can see in the comments.

安时:That's great! Thank you professor. But I'm not sure if I should include detailed experiment methodologies in the research proposal.

Antonella:We don't expect to see detailed methodologies at this stage, because you haven't started yet. Also, the first year is intended for developing and improving the formal proposal, and based on that you will build your PhD dissertation project. This is just a rough idea.

安时:I was told during the first year I still need to take some courses in experimental design, data analysis, something like that. (rising tone)

Antonella:Yes, and also some introduction courses in psychology, since your project also involves working memory, sounds good?

安时:Sounds perfect. About that, since we brought it up, is it my responsibility to contact with secondary supervisor, maybe someone in the psychology department, who works on working memory?

Antonella:Working memory is not my strong suit, so I agree you need someone to help you in this area. But let me worry about that.

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